Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Fall Book Fair

October 7th-9th
in the Media Center

Tuesday 8:30am - 4pm
Wednesday 8:30am - 7:30pm
Thursday 8:30am - 7:30pm
closed during lunches and recesses
Book Fair Volunteers

Sunday, August 17, 2014

SSE Membership Forms - Sign up here!

Print this form and bring it with your money for expedited sign ups. Thank you for your support!!

Print this form and bring it with your money for expedited sign ups. Thank you for your support!!

Monday, August 4, 2014

SSE PTA Standing Rules / Bylaws -- posting for approval

Snow Springs Elementary PTA
National PTA ID #
Council: Lehi // Region: #9
Unit ID # 

The Snow Springs Elementary Parent - Teacher Association (SSE PTA) is a volunteer organization of teachers, administrators, and parents working together to promote the education and well-being of all children at home, in school, and in the community. Together we are working to make our school great.


A.      Executive Board Duties:
1.      Executive Board members include the President, President Elect, Secretary, and Treasurer.
2.      Executive Board members are expected to attend all regular and special meetings of the Executive Board, assigned committee meetings and general membership meetings.  If unable to attend meetings, notify the Secretary.
3.      Executive board members are expected to help carry out the program at general membership meetings.
4.      Procedure books shall be kept current and at the end of the term of office each officer shall turn over books to incoming officers and chairmen shall turn over books to the president.
B.      Board of Directors
1.      The Board of Directors (“Board”) shall consist of elected officers, the Principal, teacher representative(s), Legislative VP, Membership VP, Leadership VP, Fundraising VP, and up to three additional committee chairs.
C.      Meetings:
1.      A minimum of three (3) general membership meetings shall be held each school year.
2.      All minutes must be sent to the president within 5 days after the meeting.
D.     Finances:
1.      When authorized purchases are made for which the PTA is to be billed:
a.      A Check request form shall be completed, signed and forwarded to the treasurer with the bill within 2 days of the receipt of the bill.
b.      If the purchase was paid by the member, the receipts and disbursement for shall be sent to the treasurer within 10 days.
2.      When monies are available, the executive board shall determine the method of selection of attendees to workshops, conferences and conventions.

Duties of Officers:
                The President shall:
·         Preside at all meetings of the SSE PTA;
·         Serve as an ex-officio member of all committees except the nominating committee;
·         Coordinate the work of the officers and committees of the SSE PTA in order that its objectives may be promoted;
·         Perform such other duties as may be provided for in the bylaws and standing rules, prescribed by the parliamentary authority, or directed by the Board or Executive Committee;
·         Appoint or be the official representative of the local unit at council/district meetings.

The President-Elect shall:
·         Act as aide to the President;
·         Perform the duties of the President in the President’s absence or inability to serve;
·         Perform such other duties as may be provided for by the bylaws and standing rules, prescribed by the parliamentary authority, or directed by the President, the Board, or Executive Committee.

The Secretary shall:
·         Record the minutes of all meetings of the SSE PTA, the Board, and the Executive Committee;
·         Be prepared to read the records of any previous meetings;
·         File and maintain all the records of the SSE PTA, except financial records;
·         Be prepared to read the current by-laws and standing rules of the SSE PTA, as updated and amended by the SSE PTA, the Utah PTA, or the National PTA;
·         Maintain a list of the members of the SSE PTA obtained from the Membership VP
·         Perform such other duties as may be provided for in the bylaws and standing rules, prescribed by parliamentary authority, or directed by the President, the Board, or Executive Committee.

The Treasurer shall:
·         Have custody of the funds of the SSE PTA;
·         Maintain full account of the funds of the SSE PTA as required by the records retention policy;
·         Assure that proper controls exist and are carried out for the funds of the SSE PTA, including but not limited to requiring two people to count and secure PTA money collected at PTA-sponsored events, and avoid keeping PTA cash funds anywhere other than at the school or in transit to the bank;
·         Assist in the development of the SSE PTA budget for presentation members at the SSE PTA’s designated meeting;
·         Make disbursements as authorized by the President, Executive Board, the Board, or the general membership;
·         Secure two signatures on all SSE PTA checks;
·         Cause to be kept a full and accurate account of the receipts and disbursements in the books belonging to the SSE PTA (ledger);
·         Provide a financial statement to the Board at each Board meeting;
·         Remit on a timely basis any and all required dues and fees, including but not limited to the annual insurance premium, to the Utah PTA;
·         Present an annual report of the financial condition of the organization, which includes gross receipts and disbursements for the year, at the last general membership meeting of the year;
·         Submit the books of the SSE PTA for an audit by an auditor or auditing committee selected by the Board before the meeting at which new officers assume duties;
·         Report findings of the annual audit to the Board;
·         Perform such other duties as may be provided for in the bylaws and standing rules, prescribed by the parliamentary authority, or directed by the President, the Board, or Executive Committee.

PTA Funds:
·         Any profits realized from the SSE PTA fundraising efforts shall be funds of the SSE PTA and not Snow Springs Elementary School.
·         The budget for the expenditure of PTA funds shall be approved at the first meeting of the school year for the general membership. If an individual expense arises that is not contained in the approved budget, the expense must be approved by the Board.
·         Approval of the Board must be received prior to an expense being incurred in order for an expense to be reimbursed by the SS PTA if the expense exceeds the amount outlined in the budget for a given event or program.

PTA Sponsored Events:
·         Fall Carnival
·         Mother / Son Game Night
·         Reflections (unless no committee chair)
·         Father / Daughter Dance
·         Walk-a-thon (fundraiser)
·         Spring Carnival
·         6th Grade / Graduation Dance (Party)

Parent Volunteers/ Committee members:
                Parent volunteers shall coordinate/ serve in the following: Book Fair Volunteers; Box Tops; Fall Carnival; Field Day; Battle of the Books practice and events; Reflections; Room Mothers; Red Ribbon Week; Take Home Reading; Teacher Appreciation;.

Adopted at date of meeting  meeting of the name of the unit.

Here are our Bylaws to be amended: (changes are on 3rd and 4th page) # of years in an executive board members term, and how many VPs required - we changed to minimum.

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Teacher Appreciation Door Decor

 Thanks to our
Awesome Room Mom's
and others that
decorated doors for
Teacher Appreciation Week

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

We are asking each student to earn donations of at least $10 to help add a safe sidewalk to the north side of our school. The PTA's portion is $4000. Any extra $ will go towards other safety items the school needs. If you are already ahead of the game and want to donate to our upcoming Fundraiser, the
5th Annual Walk-a-Thon
then you may do so below or through the Donate buttons
on this blog.
Please, make sure to enter the students name and teacher.
Thank you for any and all donations.
Any early donations will qualify for a special prize - the first 250 students who turn in $10+ (in cash, check, or online) will get a 10oz Snow Springs water bottle.
Walk-a-thon donations of  $25+ will receive one  Snow Springs Nylon Drawstring Tote Bag, those who bring donations of $50+ will receive a Snow Springs Nylon Drawstring Tote Bag AND a Snow Springs Premium 16oz Tumbler with straw. (pictures coming soon)
If you prefer to turn in cash or check to the school you may do so by writing the students name/teachers name on a envelope and giving to one of the school secretaries, but students will receive a walk-a-thon collection packet to bring home
on or before April 4th.

Monday, March 10, 2014

Online Donation Available!!

Online Donation is UP and running. Two payment buttons are on the sidebar to the left. One is for a flat $10 donation, and the other is for any amount. Thank you!

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

$700 more box tops!! WOW!

Don't forget...
If you LOVE us bring us your box tops by Valentines Day!!

We are so much closer to our goal - in the last 25 days students and friends have brought in just over $700 in box tops to the school!! WOW! and THANK YOU!! Don't forget to keep bringing them even after this first deadline -- our goal by the end of the year is $3,500 worth. We have updated our thermometer so you can see. We will get one posted in the school as well. Look for box tops on pizzas, cereal, granola bars, socks & underwear (that's right!!). I found a box top on a package of plastic cups the other day. So make an effort or have your kids look and clip those tops off and send them to school. I clip my box tops off my cereal boxes BEFORE I put them in the cupboard, that way they don't accidentally get thrown away when the box it empty.

Friday, January 24, 2014

Paper-eating Backpacks... it's true. Info about the Read-a-thon.

Just in case your student has a paper-eating-backpack like mine... here is the form that they will come home with today, explaining the Read-a-thon. Let's read!!

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Where the sidewalk ends...

One of our biggest concerns at our school is the safety of the students. Together with Mrs. Schroeder and the school district we are trying to see if we can get enough funds to put in a sidewalk that would go on the far north front of the school property (right after the fence) so that children would not be crossing in front of the Kindergarten circle driveway to get to the playground and to go home after school.
 The bikes would be moved to a location over there as well. This would also (as a bonus) alleviate some traffic issues as cars exit that pull through. The walkway and bike pad would cost $11,000 and could be completed this summer. Our cost as parents/PTA would be about $3,000-4000. Each year we have earned about $4000 through our walk-a-thon. Please consider this addition when it comes time to donate in April. 

As a PTA we have been trying to find other ways to offset the fundraiser, and truthfully if we could find enough money elsewhere we would just eliminate the "asking for money" part of the Walk-a-thon, but we just aren't there yet. We are grateful to Chick-fil-a, and Kohl's in American Fork (and many others) for the large donations (both over $1000 each so far this year). Do you know of any other companies who could help us out? Please send a message if you do. We are grateful for all the positive responses we have had to all of our efforts! Thanks!!

Friday, January 17, 2014

If you love us...

Our school coordinator, Ashley, must mail our box tops by February 28th, and we will receive that check in July. The next deadline will be in October of next year. So, we thought of a date that's easy to remember (or maybe not).
If you LOVE us bring us your box tops by Valentines Day!!

We are still a ways off from our goal, but we know we can do it. Chances are you have at least 20 box tops in your cupboard now on products that you already buy. Cereal, granola bars, socks & underwear (that's right!!). I found a box top on a package of plastic cups the other day. So make an effort or have your kids look and clip those tops off and send them to school. I clip my box tops off my cereal boxes BEFORE I put them in the cupboard, that way they don't accidently get thrown away when the box it empty. It doesn't seem to make the box week and since the cereal is already in a bag it stays fresh.

So please remember - February 14th!! Valentines Day -- and if you LOVE us -- bring us your box tops! And even if you don't, still do it. :)

Link your Smith's Grocery Card to Snow Springs to help us earn!

Please re-link your Smiths Card to our school. It re-sets every calendar year. You can go to the link below and log in, or take this paper the next time you go and ask the cashier to scan the bar code before you checkout. We earn 1% of all purchases. For 2013 we earned just over $500. Thank you!!

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Macey's Perks Program

Snow Springs Friends,

As many of you already know we were invited to join Macey's and their Perks program.

Throughout the school year the totals will be tallied of anyone with their cards linked, and at the end of the school year the 3 schools in our area with the highest $ in receipts will earn $700, $350, or $200.
If you would like to link it online here is the link.

After you login, click on Non-Profit and then follow the instructions to link Snow Springs Elementary to your account.

You can also just tell them at the customer service desk at Macey's.

Thank you for your support in all things!


Monday, January 13, 2014

Parent/Teacher Conference Dinners (aka SEP Dinners)

Did you know its almost time for Parent Teacher Conferences again? Crazy how fast this year is going. We would like to again feed our wonderful staff & teachers since they will stay all day (morning to night) at the school. These dinners allow Teachers to give us more time slots to visit with them and I know they really appreciate all the effort and contributions from the parents.
Below, there are 2 different sign ups for the nights - Wednesday & Thursday (Feb 5th & 6th). Just so you know... we will be able to sign up for our time slots for teacher conferences with our teachers as of the 20th of January, so watch for that form to come home. Thanks to all of you!!  Please sign up for whatever you can AND share this with your friends and neighbors (anyone who would like to help).
The items need to be to the school by 2:30. Thank you - Thank you!

Monday, January 6, 2014

Bring us your BOX TOPS, please!

Parents and friends of Snow Springs Elementary, we LOVE box tops, and have earned close to $2000 for the last couple years. We would like to earn more this year and help our school buy some Google Chrome books (laptops). These laptops would be available for whole classrooms (each student) to use to write reports, learn how to type, etc. Our school currently has enough for one and a half classrooms to use them. We would like to set a goal for $3500 this year to help get enough Chrome books for 2 full classrooms (they will be on moveable carts that teachers will check out, and will be available to the whole school). That's 30,000 box tops. We are well on our way and have earned already over $1000.
For every 50 box tops a student brings in, they will receive a token to use at the token tower. You do not have to write the students name on the back of the box top, like has been done in previous years. Simply place 50 box tops in a Ziploc bag and write their name and teachers name on the bag - so we know who to reward. You can also use this sheet above if that's more fun and easier to remember.
Just a thought. If each student in our school brought 50 box tops this year, we would have 60,000 box tops and that would equal $6000 -- wow!*
Thanks again for all you do!

Friday, January 3, 2014

A message about our Passive Fundraisers

Well its been a wonderful break, but we are excited to get back to school!
I thought you may find it interesting how much money our PTA has raised from just a few "passive fundraising" sources:
Chick-fil-A at American Fork has overwhelmingly donated much to our school through lunches to cookies! Our Spirit nights there have raised $1126.65 (on the 3rd Wednesday of each month from 5-8pm, anyone can... attend, tells the cashier OUR school name and makes a purchase, Chick-fil-a gives us 20% of that purchase).
American Fork Kohl's has generously donated over 15 hours of service AND $1500!
At the beginning of the year as a PTA we participated in Target's gift card giveaway and received $825 which is going to the school to improve safety.
Café Zupas donated $129.52 from their hosted evening (we are currently discussing having Zupas be a monthly opportunity as well.) Brick Oven in South Jordan generously donated $300 for tee-shirts and asked for nothing in return. We have earned $93.14 so far this school year from signing up with AMAZON associates and all of you who have linked through them when you shop with Amazon! - Amazing! Ken Craft Candy donated 1500 candy sticks to be used at Christmas time. Many more individuals have donated time and others have donated money anonymously and we thank them as well!
ALL of this money is already filling in that amount we budgeted to give to our classrooms/teachers for our students by way of "grade grants" this year and we are very appreciative.
Here are some of the way that grants have been spent so far this year:
2nd Grade Reading Posters, Star tutoring program, Geared Clocks & Timeline rulers for 3rd graders, Fitness Testing Awards for this spring, Kindergarten Alphabet Sets, Library Educational DVDs, Art Supplies, Substitute teachers to allow grades to attend clinics, Readers Theatre, Read-a-thon (over $4,300). When you divide that by the number of students at our school that's about $3.50 a student. Seems so minimal and yet very effective way to spend our donations. Thank you to all who have been so generous!
This spring we will hold our annual PTA fundraiser/ walk-a-thon. In the past we have asked for a small flat donation. We are currently working with the school to decide exclusively what this money will be raised for and what our goal will be, we will announce that as the time gets closer. If you have any suggestions, ideas, or would just like to help our school improve. Please message your PTA here - we would welcome your support. And please continue to share our "spirit nights" with your friends, family, and neighbors...as we can all see from the #'s above every little bit helps!
*I hope I haven't left anyone out, just wanted to highlight the "passive fundraisers" - we appreciate all those who donate!