Tuesday, July 12, 2011

2011-2012 PTA Board

Thanks to everyone that has volunteered to fill
PTA positions for the 2011-2012 School Year.
 There are only two positions we still need to fill:
Fundraising VP - Oversees fundraising promotions done throughout the school year like t-shirt sales in the fall and the spring Walk-a-thon.
Student Involvement Commissioner - Helps with t-shirt sales in the fall and works with the Leadership VP to run the Student Rep. Program.
Let someone on the Board know if you are interested in stepping up to help. If you would like to help with a program but do not want to be in charge, let a Board member know as well so we can contact you when we start planning our activities.
 These are the activities that PTA helps with at Snow Springs:
Back to School Breakfast for Teachers
Star Tutoring
Student Rep. Program
Room Mother's Tea
Vision & Hearing Screenings
Donut Dates
Birthday Table
Emergency Buckets
Book Fairs
Classic Skate Nights
Dinners for Teachers during SEPs
Patriotic Week
Red Ribbon Week
Turkey Trot
Jazz Read-a-thon
Teacher Appreciation
Maturation Program
Presidential Fitness Awards
Teacher Grants
Spring Walk-a-thon (our yearly fundraiser)
Field Day
We are looking forward to another great year! Hope you are all enjoying your summer, we'll see you soon.